5 Reasons to Choose a Bag Over Any Other Fashion Accessory

"For women, the handbag is the territory of 'just in case' and 'it might come in handy.' It’s a vast prairie full of good intentions, hopes, and plans."


For this reason, we rank it at the top of the list of most important accessories to own. In this article, we’ll show you exactly why a handbag is a universal fashion icon that, unlike other accessories or clothing, unites instead of dividing.

5 Reasons to Choose a Bag infographic in italian

1) One Size Fits All, Anyone Can Wear It

One reason that makes the handbag the best universal accessory is that it’s an essential part of an outfit, but it never causes any concerns about size! Whether you overindulged in sushi the night before or skipped a few meals, you’ll never have to worry about not being able to wear the item. Even after years, if properly cared for, a handbag is a faithful style icon that transcends our physical state, discipline, or gym routine.

2) It Always Enhances!

A handbag also transcends all the rules concerning height and body type. The only thing that matters when it comes to bags is the occasion and personal style. It reflects who you feel inside, not who you are on the outside.
So, whether you have an hourglass figure, an inverted triangle, or a rectangle shape, you won’t have to worry if you fall in love with that clutch you saw at your favorite store.

3) It Has No Age Limit

A handbag never goes out of fashion, and you’re never too old to get a new one. If chosen wisely, you can carry your favorite bag next summer and the one after that. There’s never any regret in choosing a well-styled handbag. Sooner or later, you’ll always find the perfect occasion to wear it. It stays by your side, waiting to be worn!

4) It Completes the Outfit

Sometimes it’s the handbag that perfectly completes an outfit you just can’t seem to pull together. Having accessories in every color is the best way to never go wrong, and the bag often provides that final touch of coherence and completeness to a look.

5) It’s the Perfect Gift

Literally, a handbag is the gift for women that never fails. Pick the right bag, and you’ll win your partner’s heart. A handbag is never turned down. It’s a gift that combines practicality with a sense of style; there’s no better alternative to play it safe. You don’t have to guess waist size, dress size, or preferences – no woman could ever say no to a handbag... In our store, you’ll find a wide variety of options to purchase the accessory you desire or to give as a special gift. And if you’re passing through Pisa, our physical store at Via San Francesco 83 offers welcoming and knowledgeable staff ready to assist you in choosing the best accessory for you or your special occasion!

And for you? What’s the reason that makes the handbag the best accessory of all?

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