The Bag Etiquette Guide

The Bag Etiquette Guide image

"Women cannot exist without a vital accessory they rarely part with: the handbag. It is an object that distinguishes a woman from a man, just as horns distinguish a bull from a cow."

And we completely agree, because a symbolic element of femininity like the bag truly defines a woman's style and essence. That’s why there are mistakes that should never be made when carrying our faithful friends.
In this article, I want to cover some common (but not insignificant) errors regarding the use of bags in everyday life. There aren’t many rules, but they must be followed religiously, because carrying your bag with class MAKES all the difference.

So, let’s dive into the etiquette of handbags.

1) A bag is NOT a trash bin!

This is a common mistake we are all tempted to make from time to time: crumpled receipts, used tissues, all kinds of keys, and useless items turn your bag into a jungle where you have to fight to find what you need.
So, never put things in your bag that should be thrown away, and definitely NO to anything unnecessary. Only the essentials belong in a bag.

2) The right size matters

We now have bags in every shape, color, and size. How to match them is your choice, but some mistakes related to type and size can be unforgivable, especially in the wrong context. The size of the bag should decrease throughout the day. This must be followed quite religiously: tote bags and shopping bags for the morning, medium-sized bags in the afternoon, and clutches or evening bags for formal events or the evening.

3) It is carried on the left

This is another non-negotiable rule, which may be easily forgotten in moments of rush or distraction. The bag is always carried on the left, as the right hand should remain free for greetings, handshakes, and interacting with others in general.

4) At the restaurant

It can sometimes be tricky to figure out where to place your bag when you’re at a restaurant or café. The temptation to place it on the table or the floor may be strong, but nothing could be more wrong. Neither on the table nor on the floor. If it has a strap, hang it on the back of your chair, place it on your lap, or set it behind you between your back and the chair.

5) Cleanliness is key

Bags with lighter or brighter colors can get dirty with frequent use, so it’s important to give them a quick check before heading out. Make it a habit to wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth and use disinfectant sprays for the inside. Remember, keeping your bag clean, where we store important items like makeup, is essential.

Now that the etiquette rules are clear, if you're looking for a bag to meet your needs, our shop offers a variety of solutions to help you find the bag that best suits your style and requirements. We also welcome you to our physical store in Pisa: the friendly staff at Via San Francesco 83 is ready to assist you in selecting the perfect accessory for you and your special occasion!

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